News & Announcements
A Reminder to Dog Walkers
Please keep your dogs off of the Great Lawn – we want our grass to stay green and clean! We are creating a pet relief area on one corner of the Park. What do you think?
Going Even Greener and Leading the Way
Post Office Square is mitigating 100% of its electricity footprint with renewable energy under a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement, partnering with MIT and Boston Medical Center, to purchase all of the output from Summit Farms, a solar project in North Carolina. It is the largest renewable energy project ever built in the US through an alliance of buyers and in aggregate, the expected 146 gigawatt-hours of emissions-free power per year will result in the abatement of 119,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions — the equivalent of removing 25,250 cars from the road. Learn more about the project here.
A Smoke-Free Park
Although we are a private park, we support the Boston Parks Commission’s ban on smoking in Boston’s public parks, playgrounds and beaches. For the health of our staff and visitors, and for the cleanliness of our Park, our Park is designated as a smoke-free place.
Park Activities
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